Products & Services

Positive Intelligence/ Mental Fitness

First Pod for Positive Intelligence

50.00 USD

The Power of 3

16 week program including  Mental Fitness, Metabolic Recharge and Muscle Movement.
0.00 USD
on 02/25/2025

The Power of 3

16 week program including  Mental Fitness, Metabolic Recharge and Muscle Movement.
560.00 USD

positive Intelligence Grow monthly

Monthly Grow program for Positive Intelligence after the initial 6 week program
25.00 USD
every month until canceled

Positive Mindset by Building your Self Control Muscle

Learning how to create a Positive Mindset by building your 3 Sage Muscles to create a healthier and happier you.

225.00 USD

Pilates on Demand

Self paced Pilates videos on demand

15.00 USD
every 90 days until canceled

Band and Ball on Demand

Self -paced Band and Ball on demand

0.00 USD

Band and Ball on Demand

Self paced Band and Ball recorded classes

30.00 USD
every 90 days until canceled

Pilates on Demand/ Free

Self paced Pilates videos on demand

0.00 USD

Pathway To Your Health (Pkg of 10, 1/2-Hour sessions)

Ten 1/2-hour sessions Coaching/ Medical Exercise Training

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300.00 USD

Pathway To Your Health (Pkg of 10, 1-Hour Sessions)

Personalized nutrition plans, lifestyle modifications and exercise programs that target your health goals

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550.00 USD

Pathway To Your Health (General Products/Services)

Use this for products or services not listed. 

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10.00 USD
Pay Agreed Amount

Pathway To Your Health (1/2-hour session)

1/2-hour Coaching/Medical Exercise Training

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35.00 USD

Pathway To Your Health (1-hr Session)

One-Hour Session: Personalized nutrition plans, lifestyle modifications and exercise programs that target your health goals.

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60.00 USD

Pathway To Your Health - 2 weekly classes for 3 months

This includes 2 weekly Pilates and Band and Ball classes for 3 months.

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45.00 USD
every 90 days until canceled

Pathway To Your Health - 1 weekly Pilates class for 3 months

This includes 1 weekly class of Pilates for 3 months

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30.00 USD
every 90 days until canceled